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Turning 65?

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Turning 65?

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Many questions are raised about enrollment in a Medicare Plan as you turn 65. What do I need to do? How do I go about it? Here are some of the basics you need to know about how and when to enroll in Medicare.


Do I need to enroll?

Whether you need to enroll in Medicare depends on your circumstances.

  • If you are continuing to work and have benefits through your employer you may not need to enroll in Medicare Part B. You should contact your employer’s benefits administrator to find out how your health insurance will work with Medicare.
  • If you are covered by your spouse’s health insurance you may be able to stay on that plan.

One of our services is to help you determine what is in your best interest when it comes to deciding whether to stay on a group plan or enroll in Medicare.


When can I enroll?

You are eligible for Medicare on the first of the month when you turn 65 or have been on Social Security disability for 24 months. If your birthday is on the first day of the month Medicare will start the first day of the previous month.

Learn more about Medicare enrollment periods.


How do I enroll?

If you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B approximately three months before you turn 65.

If you are not receiving Social Security or RRB benefits you must contact Social Security to enroll. You can visit your local Social Security Administration office or call (800) 772-1213, TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778 or click below to enroll online. You can begin this process three months before turning 65.

Do I need anything else?

Many people who are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B (Original Medicare) decide to purchase additional insurance coverage. Refer to What is Medicare? and Insurance Plans for more details.

Still unsure?

Our experts are here to help. We’ve helped many of your neighbors enroll and pick the right Medicare health insurance plan.

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We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.